Channel Daily News

Top 10 Green Solution Providers: Softchoice

Softchoice Corp. has spent the last few years becoming something of a pioneer in the green IT space. They’ve developed extensive programs to help their customers become greener and leaner, reducing their harmful impact on the environment while simultaneously saving money.

The reseller launched EcoTech Assessment, which gives free-of-charge, hour-long assessments followed by recommendation reports that present quick green wins to help enterprises build momentum for their efforts. To further help organizations see simple, and sometimes less simple, ways to reduce carbon footprint, Softchoice developed an EcoTech Web portal and monthly newsletter.

It’s all part of an effort to use Soft­choice’s position as a trusted advisor to drive the industry to better reduce environmental impact, says Melissa Alvares, sustainability programs manager at Softchoice. And it started with its own green grassroots.

When Softchoice embarked on its green initiatives it was looking at internal efforts-after discovering that the IT industry contributes the same carbon emissions as the airline industry-Alvares and her team realized their efforts were better spent through leading its clients.