Channel Daily News

VARs with their head in the Cloud

July 8, 2009
Cloud Partners: A New Breed of VAR
The VAR Guy
Heather Margolis talks about one of today’s biggest IT trends, and what it may mean for the channel.

“Traditionally, VARs make their money on margins and services. What happens when there is little of either? Six to twelve months ago I think a lot of VARs ignored the Cloud thunder – hoping it would subside. But with the dip in the economy (Channel Maven is being kind, we all know it’s a flat-out recession) and customers less concerned with physically owning the technology, the Cloud has made great strides.”

What’s your opinion?

Newspaper Argues the Internet is Even Killing the Internet
The Cajun Boy explains why YOU (and him too) are killing the Internet.

“The Independent has a massive piece today on YouTube and how, despite having close to 350 million users worldwide per month, it’s set to lose almost half a billion dollars this year. And it’s all your fault, naturally.”

Why IT departments don’t put customer-centric apps first
IT World Canada
Shane Schick gets intriguing e-mails.

“Got an intriguing e-mail message from Accenture today with the headline, “Capture the next-generation customer.” I’m not sure that many companies have successfully captured the old-generation customers, but according to Accenture that may be beside the point. The issue may be that IT departments aren’t customer-centric, period.”

What’s your opinion?