Channel Daily News

Virtualization and cloud computing

July 3, 2009
Cloud Computing: How to Get Some
Network World
Mark Bowker writes about a key element for cloud computing.

“Virtualization at all tiers is a key ingredient to cloud computing. Server virtualization, network virtualization, storage virtualization, and desktop virtualization are all important for a dynamic, fluid environment. Cloud computing is ultimately all about operational efficiency that leverages a highly dynamic, self healing, automated IT environment that can grow and shrink on demand-enabling the right size environment all the time.”

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Apple nixing Nvidia from ‘Nehalem’ Macs?
Register Hardware
Tony Smith writes that it’s rumoured that Apple won’t be using Nvidia chips in its upcoming machines. Here’s the drawback if this is the case.

“Apple has benefited from Nvidia’s technology. The integrated GeForce 9400M chipset it uses in all of its laptops and consumer desktops has given those boxes a much needed graphical performance boost. If the company does say adios to Nvidia, it will need to be sure Intel can offer a rather better alternative.”

Microsoft Kills Response Point
Network World
Alex Lewis writes that Microsoft’s SMB VoIP platform, Response Point, is no more.

“Earlier this summer Microsoft announced its first substantial layoffs in memory and with it purged most of the Response Point team. So, where does this leave current Response Point customers? Microsoft has been ramping up OCS, Office Communications Server, over the last two years and it’s now a common name in most companies. Right now it’s targeted at the mid-market and small enterprise, 500-2,500 users with hopes to jump into many larger accounts soon. With the death of Response Point Microsoft will need to start directing customers to OCS. And, it will need a lot of help from SI’s and VARs.”

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