Channel Daily News

What really went wrong with Vista?

September 15, 2008
Vista launch bugs that may have doomed the product – – the 100-word version
Jackson West includes responses from Microsoft’s Redmond team representatives on what went wrong with Vista.

“Our Microsoft source blamed bad drivers from GPU [graphics chip] companies and printer companies for the majority of Vista’s early stability problems. He described User Account Control as poorly implemented but defended it as necessary for the continued health of the Windows platform.”

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Lenovo drops Web sales of Linux machines
Channel Register
Joe Fay offers some good news to Lenovo’s channel partner community.

“Lenovo has dropped Linux from the list of operating systems it will preload on desktops and notebooks sold via its Web site. The Chinese vendor will continue to sell Linux-based client machines through its channel organization, and this is where the majority of Linux orders were coming from anyway.”

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NEC joins IBM on chip project
ZD Net
ZDNet News highlights NEC’s new strategy to produce 32-nanometer chips.

“NEC Electronics will be the eighth manufacturer to join an alliance of companies that comprises IBM, Samsung Electronics, Toshiba, STMicroelectronics, Infineon Technologies, Freescale Semiconductor, and Chartered Semiconductor. They have said they would work through 2010 to develop and produce 32-nanometer chips. A nanometer is a billionth of a meter, or roughly the amount a person’s fingernail grows in one second.”

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