Channel Daily News

Where CIOs plan on saving money for 2009

October 6, 2008
AMD Can’t find cash for company-saving spin-off
Nicholas Carlson writes about why AMD can’t focus solely on processor design.

“Advanced Micro Devices hasn’t been able to raise the hundreds of millions of dollars it needs to spin off its chip-manufacturing business and focus on processor design. This news comes after AMD sold its digital-TV arm to Broadcom for $193 million in August. The spinoff was supposed to help AMD cut billions of dollars in red ink by taking the expensive plants off its balance sheet.”

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CIOs cutting 2009 IT consulting budgets
Joe Panettieri shares findings from a survey conducted by CIO Executive Board that focuses on CIO budgeting plans for 2009.

“According to the survey findings: ‘61 per cent of CIOs are currently re-evaluating their 2009 budgets, 59 per cent are trying to save money by renegotiating contracts with their vendors, 59 per cent are putting all nonessential projects on hold, 49 per cent are cutting the amount they spend on consultants and have restricted travel.’”

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First look: Ubuntu ‘Intrepid Ibex’ beta delivers improved UI, new features
Scott Gilbertson provides details on the first beta for the next major version of Ubuntu Linux, which is now available.

“The first beta of Ubuntu 8.10 follows in the footsteps of Ubuntu 8.04, nick-named “Hardy Heron,” with incremental upgrades that, while not necessarily flashy and obvious, make for a much nicer user experience. Ubuntu 8.10 also features the latest version of Network Manager, the graphical interface for setting up and tweaking both Ethernet and wireless network connections. The manager has a host of new features, including a very easy way to manage of 3G connections.”

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