Channel Daily News

Who knew the entire Internet could be encrypted?

July 15, 2008
Employees loved canned VMware cofounder more than overlord EMC’s CEO
Nicholas Carlson shares results from, a workplace review site on the recently let go Diane Greene, cofounder of VMware.

“On workplace review site, employees gave Greene an 84 per cent rating – better than the 72 per cent VMware parent company EMC’s worker bees gave their CEO Joe Tucci.”

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When everything on the Internet is encrypted
Mike Masnick writes why more Internet users are now thinking of using encryption technologies for the Net.

“Thanks to governments increasing the ability to spy on citizens combined with ISPs capitulating to entertainment industry and government demands to start acting as copyright cops, monitoring usage, more and more people are getting interested in encrypting their internet activity. While it’s unclear if it will go anywhere (and some argue it’s guaranteed to fail), the folks behind the Pirate Bay are the latest to jump into the game, promising a system that will ‘encrypt the entire Internet.’”

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SOA market will double, but will success stories follow?
ZD Net
Joe McKendrick provides findings from a recent AMR Research study which was conducted around the SOA market.

“The study…predicts the overall SOA market will double over the next four years, from the current spending level of $28 billion to $52 billion. Individually, the average SOA adopter spent nearly $1.4 million on such efforts in 2007, with close to half spending over $500,000 on SOA software and services, AMR estimates.”

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