Channel Daily News

Who will dominate the SaaS market five years from now?

February 2, 2009
Analysts expect a solid Q2 for Cisco
Network World
Cisco Subnet reveals that Wall Street is expecting Cisco will see an eight per cent decrease in revenue to nine billion for Q2. Here’s another company’s forecast.

“According to MarketWatch, Mark Sue of RBC Capital Markets is telling investors that: ‘The shock to the system seems to have dissipated yet the outlook still remains challenged as it relates to corporate and service provider projects.’”

What’s your opinion?

WSJ: Dell “preparing a move into cellphones as early as next month”
Thomas Ricker writes about a rumour that Dell may be “preparing a move into cell phones as early as next month.”

“sSources say that a variety of smartphone prototypes, including one with a QWERTY-less touch screen and another with a sliding keyboard, have already been built running Android and Windows Mobile. Dell’s smartphone team ‘spent much of last year’ meeting with suppliers, carriers, and Asian phone manufacturers. Dell’s team includes the former head of Motorola’s phone division (Ron Garriques) and another Moto employee (John Thode) who heads up Dell’s netbook group.”

SaaS: Service Providers Predict Google Will Beat Microsoft
Joe Panettieri writes that according to MSPmentor’s recent reader poll (for the week ending January 30, 2009), 48 per cent of managed service providers think Google will lead the SaaS market five years from now. Here’s the breakdown.

“MSPmentor asked its readers ‘Five years from now, who will dominate SaaS?’ Exactly 100 readers participated in the poll, and responded as follows: Google, 48 per cent; Microsoft, 28 per cent; Oracle, 0 per cent; none of the above, 20 per cent; all of the above, four per cent.”