Channel Daily News

Why fly the friendly skies? Why not WiFi?

August 21, 2008
The verdict on Privacy Commish Stoddart’s appeal to lawyers
ComputerWorld Canada
Shane Schick has some thoughts on privacy in the digital era.

“Stoddart is legitimately trying to maximize the protection available to people whose information can be channeled across the Internet, and for that she is to be applauded. At the same time, we have to determine whether individual privacy necessarily means public anonymity, and whether availability online automatically means unnecessary exposure.”

What’s your opinion?

3 Simple Ways to Keep Customers Happy
Business Pundit
Lela Davidson knows how you can keep your customers happy, and loyal.

“I posted a while back about the amazing customer service I received at a local furniture store. You may recall how impressed I was with their personal service and attention to the finer details, such as having a plate of warm cookies and a vacuous TV show available to bribe my children into temporary silence.”

What’s your opinion?

American Ushers in WiFi-Friendly Skies
ZD Net
Dave Demerjian reports on the launch of American Airlines’ onboard WiFi program..

“We warned you months ago that in-flight WiFi was coming, and now it’s here. This morning American Airlines launched airborne broadband service on 15 nonstop transcontinental flights, allowing passengers to send e-mail, chat by IM and browse the Internet at 36,000 feet. For $12.95, you can spend six hours surfing the web instead of watching a lame romantic comedy.”

What’s your opinion?