Channel Daily News

Why someone is not getting an iPhone

June 5, 2007
Microsoft, Xandros and Novell
Seattle Post Intelligencer
Todd Bishop wonders if Microsoft, Xandros and Novell are similar to Kukla, Fran and Ollie?

“Most significantly, the Xandros deal includes a promise by Microsoft to refrain from pursuing patent claims against Xandros customers. That’s similar to the most controversial provision of the agreement between Microsoft and Novell. But in contrast with the Novell deal, Microsoft says it isn’t licensing any patent rights from Xandros. Microsoft also won’t offer coupons for Xandros software support and service, as it does with Novell’s Suse Linux. And server virtualization, a big focus of the Novell deal, isn’t a focus of the Xandros deal.”

What’s your opinion?

IT uses too much jargon
Tech Target
Bill Brenner says an IT officer is wasting his time if he can’t explain the findings in a language the boss can understand.

”Gartner analysts Paul Proctor and Jeffrey Wheatman said IT professionals often overwhelm the top brass by using a lot of tech jargon to explain where the problems are and what needs to be done about it. In the process, they fail to help their bosses see the larger risk to the business and the customers.”

What’s your opinion?

Why I won’t be getting an iPhone
Turbo Blog
Turbo Todd Watson may be an IBM lover, but here are his reasons for not getting an Apple iPhone.

“First, as I think I’ve explained in the past, I’ve been burned too many times on early adoption. The only early adopting I’ll be doing moving forward is for small canine creatures I keep as pets. Second, I just got my Blackberry Pearl.”

What’s your opinion?