Channel Daily News

Why the Microsoft bid for Yahoo is not going anywhere

Apr. 7, 2008
No iPhone lessons from the BlackBerry Pearl
IT World Canada
Shane Schick weighs in on RIM’s BlackBerry Pearl versus Apple’s iPhone.

“Unlike the iPhone, the BlackBerry is readily available and comes from a line of devices with a highly regarded track record among demanding users. It’s less innovative in terms of design, but familiarity with an interface never hurt any other vendors. The Pearl, in some ways, came with far fewer expectations than the BlackBerry, and as a result its success seems that much greater.”

What’s your opinion?

Microsoft-Yahoo summit at Sunnyvale fizzles>
Nicholas Carlson recaps findings from The Wall Street Journal involving Microsoft and Yahoo executives.

“Microsoft and Yahoo execs met this week in Sunnyvale, but the talks didn’t go anywhere. Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer’s troops refused to consider raising their cash-and-stock bid and so Yahoo CEO Jerry Yang’s representatives likewise refused to initiate ‘formal negotiations.’”

What’s your opinion?

Windows XP to die soon-ish (and bear <3 dog)
Computer World
Harry McCracken shares his thoughts on Microsoft’s Windows XP and Windows Vista.

“Microsoft has a lot of customers who have no desire to move to Vista any time soon, and rather than deny them the option of buying a new Windows XP computer, it ought to sell them the Microsoft product they want. They’d be happy; Microsoft would still make money. And nobody could accuse it of shoving Vista down anyone’s throat.”

What’s your opinion?