Channel Daily News

Wiihabilitation is the new and latest rehab

Feb. 11, 2008
Interpersonal and communication skills the deciding factors in most IT job interviews?
IT World Canada
Jason W. Eckert writes that just being technical is often not enough to land you a job in the IT work force.

“I have always been of the opinion that it is easy to teach someone how to use a technology but very difficult to teach someone how to play well with others. Perhaps IT employers have found the same to be true in their own experience and are stressing interpersonal and communication skills as a result.”

What’s your opinion?

Doctors use Wii games for rehab therapy
Next time you cringe at the word physical therapy, think twice. Lindsey Tanner writes that Nintendo’s Wii gaming system is the latest tool many rehab centres and hospitals are using to get their patients back into tip top shape.

“ Using the game console’s unique, motion-sensitive controller, Wii games require body movements similar to traditional therapy exercises. But patients become so engrossed mentally they’re almost oblivious to the rigor, (James) Osborn (who oversees rehabilitation services at Herrin Hospital in southern Illinois ) said.”

What’s your opinion?

What’s Microsoft’s plan B?
ZD Net
Mary Jo Foley shares her thoughts on what Microsoft should do if its bid for Yahoo is unsuccessful.

“I think being thwarted in its bid to buy Yahoo might end up being the best thing that could happen to Microsoft. Does Microsoft really need 14,000 more employees and a number of properties that are redundant with what it already offers? CEO Steve Ballmer & Co. seem to believe so. But couldn’t Microsoft just buy a bunch of point products, instead of a big, flailing Web 2.0 company? It would be a lot easier to digest a bunch of smaller companies and independent, standalone services than a big honking entity like Yahoo…”

What’s your opinion?