July 20, 2007
The Google backlash begins
Business 2.0
Chris Taylor reports on a tough week for search giant Google.
”It’s hard to grow a company this big this fast without attracting regulators, doubters and deep-pocketed competitors. Google may have an unassailable lead in search and online ad sales, but a shift in public perception, and the deflating stock price that would result, could quickly become the company’s Achilles heel.”
Ooma Puts Out a Call to Ditch Landlines for Web-Based Service
Walter Mossberg tests a new type of VOIP option that differs radically from Vonage and other current providers.
” I’ve been testing a new type of VOIP option that will go on sale in September from a Silicon Valley start-up called Ooma, whose product goes by the same name. It differs radically from Vonage and other current VOIP providers, in two ways..”
McAfee CEO Says New Laws Are Needed To Deal With Cybercrime
Carlo Longino reports on McAfee CEO Dave DeWalt’s push for new cybercime laws.
“He may have a valid point there, but new laws and sentencing guidelines don’t seem to be the most effective potential tool against computer crimes — particularly when much of this crime comes from overseas, where being caught and punished by a remote government isn’t likely to stop many criminals.”