Oct. 3, 2007
Palm goes small
Business 2.0
Jon Fortt ask if it can rally against RIM and the iPhone.
”In its mission to remain relevant in the age of Apple’s (AAPL) iPhone and Research in Motion’s (RIMM) BlackBerry, Palm (PALM) has begun offering the Centro smartphone through Sprint (S). After a 90-day exclusive period with that carrier, the phone might be available through the other majors, Verizon Wireless (VZ), AT&T (T) and T-Mobile (DT). Will it be enough to put the shine back on Palm?”
Rivals pounce on Skype woes
The browser
The publicity-savvy folks at Internet telephony upstart Jajah are wasting no time making hay of eBay’s (EBAY) $900 million impairment writedown of its Skype unit.
“Still, Jajah’s service does seem to address one of the central failings of the EBay/Skype marriage: Weren’t the merger partners supposed to make it easy for buyers and sellers to talk to one another? Jajah’s service seems to do exactly what Skype was meant to do for eBay: Create an easy way for buyers to wrap up business with sellers, at no cost to the buyer.”
Halo maker in videogame hell