Channel Daily News

Don’t count time, make time count

I often receive time management questions from sales reps. This week I thought I would provide you some of the best time management tips I have used to help stay focused and make more sales
Losing control of your time is the worst mistake a sales professional can make. You must jealously guard your time in order to stay productive.

Here are 8 ideas to keep you focused:

To get you started, begin by taking note of how you’re spending your days today. For help doing this, download a free copy of our Time Allocation Worksheet.

After two weeks of tracking your time, determine what percentage of your week is spent exclusively on prospecting, presenting and closing. Then, set a goal to increase that percentage by a specific amount over a specified period of time, and write that goal down in the present tense to show the world (and yourself!) you mean business. For example:

“By December 31st, I will be spending 60% of my time on prospecting, presenting and closing.”

Next, spend 30 minutes writing down everything you could be doing to increase your selling time, and reach that goal, such as:

If you are waiting to get motivated before you make calls remember this: Motivation comes from action not the other way around. Most sales people wait to get motivated before they take action. You must do the opposite. Take action now! Regardless of how you feel. Simply pick up the phone and start making calls. Your activity will motivate and focus you to keep going. You will always feel better after you accomplished something profitable.

Colleen Francis has been a successful sales leader for over 20 years. She is the author of Nonstop Sales Boom, and is recognized as a top tier sales consultant. She understands the challenges of selling in today’s market and that business leaders can no longer rely on approaches to sales based on techniques from decades ago. In this blog series she will share her experiences and predictions as she looks towards the evolving sales landscape.