New research from IDC Canada points to an interesting blurring in Canada of the feature sets that often distinguish private cloud computing from public cloud computing.
IDC Canada’s 2014 IDC MarketScape report profiles and ranks the leading dedicated private Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) vendors in Canada. And according to IDC, while the public IaaS market may get more attention, the private IaaS market has been gaining steam, and is expected to grow to $250 million in 2014 almost three times the current size of the Canadian public IaaS market.
Among the report’s findings are private offerings are looking increasingly public, as vendors introduce features normally associated with the public cloud into their private IaaS offerings. The report found most vendors in Canada are providing a managed dedicated private cloud, although interest is strting to grow in self-managed offerings. Finally, the report concluded with offerings beginning to look alike vendors will need to work on differentiating on features, benefits and brand.
“The Canadian IaaS market is forecast to grow by more than a 40 per cent CAGR over the next four years,” said Mark Schrutt, director of services & enterprise applications with IDC Canada, in a statement. “It is a fast-moving, competitive, and emerging market that by 2017 will be valued at close to $1 billion. IDC believes that the timing is right to assess the primary vendors of dedicated private IaaS and offer our perspective on which providers will set the path as the market matures.”